Well, I don't have an outfit post for today, sorry! Just when I thought I was going to take a lot of photos on Monday while I had the day off, mother nature decided to make it rain - and not with money (I wish). And then, just when I decided I would lounge in my PJs all day instead, the sun comes out. For real?! By that point I was just too lazy. 

So, instead of sharing an outfit post for today I thought I'd change it up a bit. Today I want to share with you some of the stuff in my life that is coming up and that I'm stoked about. 

1. This weekend is one of my girlfriend (and co-workers) birthday. She's turning 25, yay! We decided (in our buzzed little minds on the lake Saturday) that it would be a great idea to lounge by the pool this Saturday (perfect) and then go to La Bare (umm... ). If you guys don't know what La Bare is, well I've linked it for you HERE. I mean, it should be a good time, right?! What the hell were we thinking?! All I can do is giggle. Well, I'll let ya know how it turns out. All I know is that I'm sending all the love and gyrating in her direction! We're just hoping it's a little less weird and a little more Magic Mike - hello Channing Tatum. Can you say... PONY?!

2. Now that we're past that one... let's move on to more appropriate subjects. My niece is going to cheer camp! I can't believe it. She's still supposed to be the annoying little 2 year old who would come lay in my room while I was in high school and kick my door until it hit the wall. Over and over again. Now, she just sits on her iPHONE - All. Day. Long. Anyway, I'm sad that I won't be in town to drop her off at camp, but I'm excited to get her a basket full of goodies and help her pick out decorations. Cheer camp is the funnest! So excited for her!  

3. Two words. NeoCon and Chicago! I won't be able to drop Madi off a cheer camp because I'll be in Chi-Town. I am overly excited about this. One, I've only ever been to Chicago when it was colder than cold and when I had a lot of stuff to do for work. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm going for work again and will have a ton to do, but I'm also going on Saturday for a play day before work. Eek! Can't freakin' wait. And NeoCon, I've always wanted to go. It's the largest design event (in the Merchandise Mart - which I have a project in right now) and I can't wait to see all the new product coming out. It's a designers dream... and I'm going to be a part of it! LOVE! Thanks, idGROUP! Another bonus: I get to see the projects that I currently have in progress and a couple that are complete. Ahh, can't wait to see the finished product in person! I'll definitely snap some photos and share. Stay tuned. 
How are you guys finishing up the month of May, at a male strip club like me?! And what about June, any fun plans?

Until next time... 


  1. That show sounds AMAZING, especially if it is anything like Magic Mike, YUM;) Also, I was in Chicago a couple of weeks ago and it is so pretty this time of year! You will have a blast!

    1. Haha. I doubt it's like Magic Mike, but there's nothing wrong with a little wishful thinking, right?!
      I'm so excited for Chicago, especially with the warmer weather!

  2. I would totally be down to try out a male strip club..everything deserves a chance, right? haha have fun!


    1. I guess so. At least, that's what I keep telling myself! :) thanks!
